Wednesday, May 02, 2007


I was always a little cocky about not having any allergies. In my group of geeky friends only I could eat anything, pet any animal... I never got Poison Ivy...For a couple summers I even tried to rid myself of histamines so that not even mosquitos could bother me. I'd think, these reactions that other people have to tasty and/or cuddly things... to nature... are defections. Impurities.

Lately (fortunately) my extreme views on allergies and allergy sufferers have relented -- or at least have become subconscious. :) But I think that it was those same idyllic notions of purity that kept me from coming to the realization that I too have become a victim of nature's air-borne arsenal. I'm not sure how many years I've been in denial about this. Last year though I can clearly remember complaining of a cold that seemed to last the entire spring and summer.... At some point this winter/spring, and with the addition of a second shedding cat to our household, it clicked.

Dang. I have allergies!

And lately they've gotten pretty bad. I wake up most mornings at 4-5am because I can no longer breathe... my nose clogged and my mouth like sand paper after trying to take over breathing duties. (Humidifier be damned!)


So I'm on my 3rd day of allergy medication. I went to get some Claritin™ at Walgreens, but ended up with Walitin... At $5 for 10 once-daily pills, they're half the price of Claritin™, so probably worth checking out.

And so far, so good (?). Judging by my wake up times... Yesterday (Day 2) I woke up at 6am, but in same condition as pre-medicated. Today it was 7am. Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up with my alarm, and still able to breathe!

One can only hope.

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