Friday, May 11, 2007

Support MN Ultimate!

--- from ---
Some of my teammates are getting together fund-raising ideas to cover jersey & travel expenses this season and one idea that's currently on the hot plate is MN Ultimate shirts/jerseys. We're thinking that Minnesotans are pretty proud people, and that Ultimate players from the Central Region are just as proud to represent their sport and their home state. Furthermore, with the growth of Ultimate as a sport there are hopes that local teams will develope a fan base, both within the Ultimate community (including High School, College, Club, League and Pick Up players) and among people introduced to the sport via friends and family. So without futher ado, here is the concept design for MN Ultimate apparel!

*Notice* These designs do not [yet?] have any affiliation with TCUL or


twoks said...

very cool. I'd buy one, especially if it were a long sleeve jersey... or a sweatshirt? or...

Bjorn said...

Alright! One sold!


Seriously though, I really like the idea of long sleeves too. And jerseys over regular cotton Ts. Probably we'll offer a couple of diferent options and then focus on whatever does best for us.

Anonymous said...

I'd surely buy one too... if people want them for jerseys, you should make sure the grey is dark enough to wear for a dark. I like the colors though.

I also like just a plain cotton short or long sleves.


Shawn said...

Although there would be debate as to whether I'm a functioning member of the MN Ultimate community or simply a permanently embedded mole for IA Ultimate, a shirt like this would definitely blur those lines even further, and would have me lookin sharp, too. Gimme, I want.