Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Scooter Update and Training Log.

What a glorious past week for scootering! And this week is shaping up to be just as nice. I've been scootin' to work just about every day, and I've found it to be pretty relaxing way to get around the city. Why? Because on my scooter at least, you CAN'T be in a hurry. Where ever I go I have the throttle wide open, just to maintain 27 mph. So what's there to do (?), but settle in and enjoy the ride. I guess stop-and-go traffic can be annoying. Some days it's pretty bad going through the construction on Lake St. But not as bad, I usually decide, as if I was in my van! Bottom line: it's easy to be content upon a scooter.

Training Log, uh, for this last week or so.
Dang. I've been distracting myself away from working out. I think I've gone running twice since my last post, but I've only lifted once. I have been doing my situps on off days still, but admittedly, I've been slacking. It was nice to get out and play Ultimate the other day though. Not exactly the toughest game, but still a little workout. Goal for tonight: lift before going on a run. Tryouts are a week and a half away!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you still get money gas milage going 27?