Monday, February 19, 2007


So CLX broke up.

Seiler is starting an Open team, and good for him, really, but what about the other (now former) CLXers? I ask not because I want to judge, but really because I am just curious. I feel really out of the loop on this... Are people upset? Surprised? I guess an easy answer is yes, of course some people are upset, but are there a handful of players in Iowa without a team now? I'm thinking especially about the women.... Seiler mentions that a number of the men on CLX are following him, but it might not be as cool for the ladies who will have to splice themselves on to a foreign feeling women's squad. I don't know. Maybe it's not a big deal at all. If it were MOE, I'd be thinking the same thing. (I would enjoy playing Open with the Moe men, and some women would go play for Bait... but some people would probably feel screwed.)

All that being said, I really hope the Van Buren Boys are a successful Open team. Best of luck in '07...

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