Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Part one.
I've been reading a kind of a lot about news photography/photo journalism/faked photos lately, mostly in regards to good/cool/editorial Photoshop chops, and then today I came across this photo and I thought, "No way is this real..." But I haven't read anything that purports it as a fake. It which case, it's quite the picture. Or wait, does that matter?Part two.
Does it matter if a photo is "real" or not? Do we still believe by seeing? And isn't the term "Photoshop Fake" redundant? :)

In terms of judging imagery for its visual appeal, I don't think that these things matter all that much really. I like to look at pretty things, and most of the time I just don't care how the image came to be. Other times I'm excited by images that show the mastery that a person can have over their images, equipment and software. It's when these images are purported as News that things can get confusing.

How about this: What's the difference between a photographer dodging and burning his photograph and increasing the contrast to bring out the smoke of a burning building (all very old-school) and a (new school) photographer using Photoshop tools and brushes to make that same smoke look more menacing?

Or what if the above photo is chopped/faked, but based on factual information? (The gator was seen holding the zookeeper's arm in its jaws, knuckles curled and severed 3/4ths of the way between the wrist and the elbow - with 3" of tattered bloody flesh trailing out the severed end...) Gruesome, right? But why not make that picture to get people's attention? I think some gory headline would be just as sensational as a "fake" photo.


(...all of that just so I can show a crazy picture that I saw today...)


Coach Lou said...

This was a hot topic of conversation when photoshopping first got really intense, specifically as it related to crimes. Even more specifically, since it is illegal to own kiddie porn, is it illegal to own fake kiddie porn?

Back then, it mostly boiled down to whether "generated" images were "freedom of speech." And if so, what if you can't determine a fake? A guy on trial could just claim he "painted" the images. Then what?

Now, have you seen the shit artists are capable of rendering? It's getting to the point where it's not possible to tell the difference. Completely realistic 3D MOTION is not far off.



Coach Lou said...

another image of the arm

Seems like it's legit.

Also, video of a separate incident. (not for the faint of heart or full of stomach)