Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Huckabee/Norris '08

Well, that's pretty much un-toppable. I'd have to say that my choices for President now go: 1. Barack Obama, 2. Mike Huckabee.

I think I'm serious. Along with sounding like the most reasonable Republican candiate since I've been alive (...and boy is that Mitt Romney a douche bag... ), Huckabee now comes out with the best campaign platform ever. BECAUSE CHUCK NORRIS SAID SO.

Although you can't help but think of the new Chuck Norris jokes that this will spur...
"Chuck Norris endorsed Mike Huckabee for President, but Huckabee still didn't win... because everyone wrote in CHUCK NORRIS! on their ballots instead. And Chuck Norris wouldn't accept the Presidency [as usual] because he didn't want to downgrade to President, from his current status of Chuck Norris".

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