Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Sick List '07

Well, it's Tuesday, and that means that we have Acceleration training . It'll be my third session tonight, and I still get a little nervous about how I'll manage on the treadmill and doing all of those plyos. Really, I don't have any reason to be nervous. From what I've experienced so far, the training is much like a good high school XC workout, and I enjoy myself for most of the hour or two that we're there. Maybe I'm just going to be a bit apprehensive until I join the slew of people who have gotten sick so far this year... maybe puking at Acceleration is just a big milestone looming in front of me.

The Sick List '07:
Jeff - Well, duh. (He pukes all the time working out.)

Shwa - Seemed ashamed to admit it, but I might envy him.

Moss - Got the most out of that first workout.

Pat - Didn't fully 'lose it', but probably would have if he tried to get up from that chair after the tread mill.

Jeanine - Couldn't throw up, but wanted to at last Friday's workout.

Even in writing this list, I get the feeling that these people have been inducted to some hall.... But I haven't decided what adding my name to that list would feel like. (Fame or shame?) I guess there's always the chance that I'll find out tonight.

1 comment:

D.K. said...

If you combine the words fame and shame you get fame, or shame.